Plunge Boom
Updated Feb 2019
Person Responsible: Mimi Faulks (Production Manager)

About our policy:

Plunge Boom are committed to safeguarding the welfare of the children we work with and has established this child protection policy and a staff code of practice.

We believe that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. We are committed to practice in a way that protects them.

Plunge Boom ensures that all staff understand and have access to this policy.

We work in such a way that we are not involved in performances or workshops where we might be expected to supervise children without a teacher or a parent/ guardian present; or projects in which we might be alone with a child or children. We promote workshops for families and for school groups, where a family member or teacher will have direct responsibility for the child.

This policy sets out good practice guidelines for all Plunge Boom staff.


Plunge Boom uses the word ‘child’ to refer to anyone under the age of 18, as defined by the Children Act 2004.

Child protection involves excluding known child offenders, preventing abuse in our care and recognising and responding to the signs of abuse.

The term ‘Plunge Boom staff’ refers to Plunge Boom management, freelance performers, artists and workshop leaders.

We recognise that:

The welfare of the child is paramount, as enshrined in the Children Act 1989.

All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity have a right to equal protection from all types of harm and abuse.

Some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues.


We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

Valuing them, listening to and respecting them.

Recruiting all staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made.

Providing a risk assessment for each workshop, highlighting risks and preventative measures which we put in place to ensure a safe working environment.

Ensuring that all resources and materials that appear in Plunge Boom shows and workshops are for use by children and families – they are non-toxic and easy to use.

Seeking explicit consent from parents, carers or teachers before using any images of children or vulnerable adults in press or publicity material.

Always requesting the presence of a parent, class teacher or a teaching assistant whilst working with school children and families.

Requesting information regarding special and/or additional needs of children before the workshop commences.

Avoiding unnecessary physical contact with children.

Carrying out evaluations after all work to ensure that any problems are identified and addressed in the future.

Responding to concerns:

Concerns for a child may come to the attention of staff in a variety of ways, through observation of behavior, injuries or through disclosure. Any member of Plunge Boom staff who has a concern for a child should discuss this with Plunge Boom’s Child Protection Monitor (Managing Director Mimi Faulks) as soon as is practically possible. The Child Protection Monitor will report all incidences to the host organisation.

Plunge Boom staff should never keep suspicions of abuse by a colleague to themselves. If there is an attempt to cover up they could be implicated by their silence. It is vital to inform the Child Protection Monitor at once, of their suspicions.

Allegations involving a member of Plunge Boom staff:

Any proven allegation of misconduct may result in the dismissal of the member of staff or appropriate alternative disciplinary action.


Plunge Boom Child Protection Monitor: Mimi Faulks (Production Manager)
Mob: 07769 745445



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Mimi Faulks
Production Manager
Plunge Boom
00 44 7769 745445